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Our Story

Joseph's Ministry (JM) was conceptualized during an early morning devotional time by Meagan Pinkney back in early October 2014. During this time, Meagan was instructed to establish a Kingdom business that will help others birth their dreams and go to their next level in purpose. Meagan took note and continued to pray further regarding the name of this Kingdom business. During prayer, Joseph and his journey, displayed in the Bible, came to her mind. Joseph, Jacob's youngest son at the time, endured tremendous hardship that resulted in his rise to rulership and purpose. His life's purpose not only saved his family but also the nation(s). Joseph's story and life's purpose is exactly what Joseph's Ministry, LLC is all about. 



Here at JM, our core values are the following:





doing what is right and in the best interest of our clients at all times. 


having the opportunity to partner with our client in a professional manner to produce an excellent product/service.


the ability to produce excellent service to our clients repeatedly. 


the ability to take on challenging projects that fit within our areas of service. 

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